Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5 Ways to Get More Energy

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Always tired and feeling stressed? Here are some easy ways to get you energized (taken from;

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~Change your socks - I know it sounds weird but it has been advised that you bring an extra pair of socks to work and sometime around 3pm when you hit your slump, you must take of your shoes and socks and replace your socks with a fresh pair of socks on. You'll be shocked and be amazed of how fresher you will feel.

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~ Getting on your toes - Feeling sleepy at your desk? Connie Tyne, executive director of the Cooper Wellness Program says that the best way to wake up your circulatory system is to roll up and down on your toes. Furthermore she added, " As the blood starts flowing, more nourishing oxygen and glucose are transported throughout your body -- so you feel more energized."

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~ Sniff some citrus - Research reveals that citrus-scented essential oils or lotions can boost alertness. Now you have an excuse to shop for some grapefruit-scented lotion!

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~ Re-think your workout time - Working out at night is not good for you for it could mess up with your sleep. Experts say that working out too close to your bedtime may flood your brains with stress hormones that can make it hard to fall asleep. Moreover, a workout that leaves you sluggish and exhausted the next day due to lack of sleep is indeed not a good workout.

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~ Eat chia seeds - According to the Aztecs, chia seeds have energy-boosting qualities. Why not add them your home-made snack or recipe?

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